The organic viticulture

The soil management in the organic vineyard is one of the key factors to ensure the preservation of the soil-biodiversity and its fertility with the maintenance of organisms and microorganisms in an optimal balance, that allows the production of quality organic grapes. This is one of the main points that characterize the agriculture and, therefore, also the organic viticulture.

The management of the grounds have a series of effects on the ecosystem of the vineyard that is fundamental in organic cultivation. Things to keep in mind are the following:
- Biological complexity (macroflora and microflora);
- Erosion, a big problem on hills;
- The physical and chemical features of the organic ground.

Perlage is widely focusing on biodynamic viticulture, that definitely help the organic procedures to become more efficient. Some important modern techniques, that Perlage uses in Vineyards are:
- The permanent grassing can be adapted to different climatic conditions, to the needs of the vines, such as the erosion containment and the protection of the soil fertility;
- The reduction of copper used in vineyards, because it restricts the development of useful microorganisms;
- The installation of weather stations on the vineyard, that controls the existence and development of the disease and activate the treatment only when necessary;
- Use of useful organisms, such as biodynamic agriculture teaches, to increase the resistance of the plant to the disease.

An important attention to the vineyard helps to obtain excellent results in the winery: first of all the reduction of sulfites in the vinification and the wines. The greatest result of this huge work is “Animae”, the Prosecco Spumante Superiore DOCG without added sulfites, the first of its kind in 2008 and one of the 10 best Proseccos according to Baudains in Decanter magazine.

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