Certificato B-Corporation

We’re proud to be a #BCorp!

We are excited to share our recently recognition as a B Corp!

What is a B Corp?

Certified B Corporation is a new type of corporation which uses the power of business to create a positive social and environmental impact. B Corp certification is to business what Fair Trade certification is to coffee.

Perlage has been certified by the non-profit B Lab organization by a strict analysis of its standards of social and environmental performance, accountability, and transparency. The assessment areas are: employees, local community, the environment and governance

Why we became a B Corp?

Since long time Perlage has been committed to the defence of the environment and territory and this certification identifies all these principles. Being a certified B Corp is a great opportunity to be more responsible now and to take into special account future generations.

Today there are about 2,000 certified B Corps around the globe and Perlage is within the first 50 Italian companies which has been certified B Corp, including Fratelli Carli, Nativa Lab and Patagonia. Italy is the 1° European Country that has regulated the B Corp through a Law.

Which were our strong points that allowed the certification?

The production of 100% certified organic wine!
Training courses for employees and high-quality standards.
Creation and planning of cultural and formative events open to public in partnership with no profit association.
High transparency and public sharing of our goals and improvements in terms of social and environmental performance.
Being a certified B Corp is for us a great opportunity but this is just the first step doing our best for the community and the environment!

To learn more about our certification, check out our B Corp profile:

Perlage B Corp profile

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