Perlage changes its statute and becomes a “Società Benefit”

Friday the 13th of December 2019 the Perlage shareholders' meeting unanimously voted the new statute that sees Perlage becoming a “Società Benefit”, a kind of society recognized by the Italian jurisdiction and that regulated its beneficial commitment.

This new important step of Perlage ratifies in a strong and resolute way the commitment of social responsibility towards the clients, the market, the local community and the employees.

After a training period, during which the associate of the company could properly understand the meaning of this important operation, has been concluded the expected change linked with the previous choice, dated back in the 2016, to become a B Corp.

While the B Corp status represents a voluntary certification, to be a “Società Benefit” includes several duties as constant controls by specific authorities that examine Perlage activity to be sure that the commitment of CRS will be respected.

Our CEO Ivo Nardi declares “Now, the statute of Perlage in addition to the purpose of sharing its profits, includes to follow one or more common benefits and operate responsibly, sustainably and transparently for the people, community and the environment. These targets have to be pursued independently from the pro-tempore administrator”.

For Perlage all this process means constant measurements of what the organic viticulture generates for the environment and the society.

In the statute have been highlighted the following interest areas: preserve the environment and facilitate its regeneration through the organic and biodynamic agriculture, partnership with profit and non-profit organizations for the promotion of the good practices; enjoy of the products in health by the community, integrate renewable power sources, sustainable practices, circular economy and energy save. Evaluation of the environmental impact, increase of the employee and local community well-being and the development of specific educational and cultural events for encourage equal and sustainable behaviors.

In the last days of 2019 Perlage decided to formalize and officialize - through a natural evolution- this effort that is part of Perlage sensitivity since a long time.

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