Cooking Recipes / Tips & Infos

Prosecco DOC Treviso the star of spring menus

The arrival of the good weather brings more appetising and colourful dishes to the table, in which fruits and vegetables can be used in large quantities, both for decoration and flavouring. We want to suggest a fun change of perspective!!!…


Cooking Recipes / Curiosity / Organic World

Cookies with organic wine, or rather biodynamic wine!

In the italian enogastronomical tradition there are many wine-sweet combinations. Let’s think about Cantucci, typical Tuscan sweets, accompanied by ‘vin santo’. Or the Cassata Siciliana matched to Malvasia delle Lipari or, again, to Panforte Genovese served with Sciacchetrà. But, are…


Cooking Recipes / Curiosity / Tips & Infos

Food and wine pairing: a research for the right balance

Are you going to plan the menu for a dinner with friends, but you don’t know which is the best wine pairing? Matching food and wine perfectly is essential to enhance the characteristics of both. How do you choose the…


All / Cooking Recipes / Curiosity / Tips & Infos

Vegan aperitif? A tasty and environment-friendly choice

If you think that organising a vegan aperitif is complicated, or rather almost impossible, then you should know that this is not the case. There are plenty of tasty recipes that are great to try, especially in the summertime… which,…


All / Cooking Recipes / Curiosity

Venetian fritters…with custard!

In Venice, Carnival is one of the most beautiful times of the year and is characterized by a truly unique charm. The “calli” (streets of Venice) are crowded with the traditional colorful masks and the intese scent of the Venetian sweets…


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