The future we want

In 2006, Andrew Kassoy, Bart Houlahan and Coen Gilbert, three ex-Stanford students and friends for more than 20 years, had an idea: founding a movement of companies, which use the force of their business to have a positive impact on the society and the environment. B Lab comes therefore alive, a no-profit organization, which supports the development of a business community (the Certified B Corp) characterized by the aim of environmental and social sustainability. In order to do that, this community strives to promote a legislation process, which recognizes the legal status of Benefit Corporation and a standards-based organization called GIIRS (Global Impact Investing Rating System), in order to address important resources towards “impact” investments, for those companies, which are strategically oriented to a common value creation.

The movement was born in the USA and has seen a continuous growth over the years, reaching a great success across the 5 continents!

At the moment, the certified BCorps are more than 3.585, in 74 countries and active in 150 sectors.

Perlage became one of these company, achieving the certification in 2016 and then becoming a Società Benefit (Benefit Company) in 2019. Italy is the first European country, that recognizes the status of “Società Benefit” with a Law (Law n° 208/2015).

Being ‘Società Benefit’, the criterion of sustainability officially becomes part of the company statute. This new and important step taken by Perlage, the first producer of organic Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore DOCG, confirms even more strongly and decisively its commitment to social responsibility towards its customers, the entire market, the local community and its employees.

Perlage has embraced the principles of BCorp since long time before the official recognition. Topics like environmental sustainability, ethics and accountability towards the employees and the community are included in our mission. The BCorp is not merely a certification but it is a way of working and thinking which pushes the company to set ambitious goals in social and environmental fields. The time is ripe: a company must produce a benefit for the territory and people, not depleting resources and tending only to profit. This is the change we support since 1985 when we trusted in the healthier and more environmentally-friendly organic viticulture.

To get and maintain the ‘Società Benefit’ status Perlage has to be evaluated on 4 areas:

We produce certified organic wines since 1985, respecting the soil, biodiversity and the health of the local community. We promote the hills of Conegliano Valdobbiadene, that became a Unesco World Heritage site.

Perlage promotes healthy and safe working conditions, allows flexible working hours and the board of directors takes into account workers’ feedback. Perlage supports young people both through their employment and by welcoming student internships.

We have strong relationships with local organic grape producers and other suppliers. We often organize cultural events and training meetings, which are open to the public, and we support other companies by giving information about how to produce organic wine.

Perlage promotes the transparency and shares publically its social and environmental goals and achievements: we accept all our costumers’ feedback by specific procedures.

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