Curiosity / Organic World / Sustainability / Tips & Infos

A sustainable Prosecco thanks to the sugar of Altromercato.

Sugar of Altromercato


Perlage production chain becomes even more sustainable. Starting from the beginning of 2019, we have introduced Altromercato cane sugar in the production of two core Proseccos: QUORUM Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore DOCG Extra Dry and GENESIS Asolo Prosecco Superiore DOCG Extra Brut.

Why have we chosen precisely Altromercato?

CTM Altromercato is the main Italian organization in the field of fair trade. It is a trustworthy reality that is actually active in 50 Countries in the world by partnership established with more than 170 producers.

CTM Altromercato is also a member of the World Fair Trade Organization, an international institution that gather worldwide fair-trade organizations, engaging producers, importers and distributors. It defines common standards for the different fair-trade organizations.

This association is an expert in the field of cane sugar, especially of those types that could be considered rare or special. It has especially selected an organic and sustainable cane sugar we use for our Prosecco. This sugar has also an added value in terms of production process, because it cares about producer’s health. How exactly? Respecting producers’ rights, supporting them improving production quality, competences, efficiency, reducing the use of resources (like water and fuels) and supporting the community with schools, health structures, social projects and financial services.

Sugar is one of the main ingredients for prosecco and now its production is mostly non- European and strongly tied with the cane sugar farm. This cultivation becomes one of the agricultural products with the highest rate in terms of environment and producer’s exploitation.


Unfortunately, in the production countries we found some serious criticalities:

  • The cane sugar cultivation has a negative environment impact due to the use of high quantity of chemical products as pesticides, water waste and the bad practice of burning the plants waste.
  • International associations report cases of children exploitation in the sugar cane industry, working in dangerous situation (using machete or pesticides), taking away from school and robbing of their rights.
  • In the cane sugar industry, as in other intensive cultivation, market prices hardly cover production costs.
  • Moreover, in the order to preserve sugar content, it has to pass a short time between the picking and the working process. This particular production need causes an “addiction” situation between the workers and the nearest sugar factory, this happens especially in the small communities.
  • The incorporation of small producers into big factories is very common in the cane sugar production places, because estates usually work in a supremacy position.


Perlage doesn’t support all these bad practices. Our company stands for sustainability and transparency, we want an ethic and traceable supplier chain, sustainable and fair for the community, both in our country and in the rest of the world. To strengthen company social responsibility (CRS) has always been one of the main goals of Perlage.


Cases like the cane sugar industry, should help us to think about the importance of correct purchasing behaviour: simply everyday gesture and choices could really make the difference.


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