The story of golden Oriole

Why did Perlage choose the golden Oriole as the 'mascot' of its organic wine?

Perlage has been producing organic wines since 1985 and has always paid great attention to sustainability matters. A healthy territory for Perlage is synonymous with life. An indicator of a territory that is 'healthy' is the presence of a rich fauna. For this reason, the timid golden Oriole appears on the packaging of our organic wines, hoping it will soon return to delight us with its singing.

Characteristics of the golden Oriole

The golden Oriole, a solitary and reserved little bird, belongs to the family of the oriolids. His native land is the habitat of the equatorial forest but during the breeding season he leaves those areas to reach our latitudes to build the nest and breed its offspring, giving us the pleasure of its singing. It is habitual and inhabits the same nest made in previous years.
The male of the golden Oriole has an unmistakable appearance: yellow body, black wings and tail with two yellow lateral spots, black reins, reddish beak and iris. Its singing is very characteristic, a fluty and modulated whistle.

Although this little bird loves to hide, its easily recognisable song reveals its presence. Its habitat, at our latitudes, is made up of deciduous woods, alternating tall hedges and open spaces, clearings, orchards and cultivated areas, possibly located near watercourses.

For Perlage it is the 'Comparepiero' (a dialect expression about the golden Oriole)

For those who, like Perlage, are involved in organic farming, the connection with the territory and its tradition is very close.
For Perlage the golden Oriole has always been the 'Comparepiero'.
In the local farm tradition, the story of the 'Comparepiero' is handed down from generation to generation.
The name refers to the sounds of its singing but above all to the fact that he keeps company.
During the hot days of the summer months, when all the other birds were silent, the song of the Oriole came to bring company and relief to the farmer who worked in the vineyard.
The fantasy then led the winegrower to imagine a dialogue with the Oriole to pass the time and effort: “Comparepiero are the figs ripe?” A tender dialectal phrase that echoes the onomatopoeia of its singing.

Unfortunately, over time this little bird has disappeared from our areas and the causes are mainly due to the use of chemical products, which have intoxicated its food chain.

The choice of Perlage to produce organic wines derives also from this. From the desire for a healthy and hospitable territory for the fauna, the desire to let the 'Comparepiero' return as soon as possible to the beautiful hills of Prosecco di Conegliano Valdobbiadene.

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